Sunday, 6 September 2009

Who Doesn't want to go to France?

C'est moi!

I am getting really ambivalent about going to France. Maybe because it is 3:52 am, but WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING??

Concern #1

I am sick of introducing myself. Do you know how many times I had to do this in Belgium? How many different ways can I say "Hello, My name is Danielle, I am Canadian I studied philosophy, I don't speak French and I enjoy reading and yoga. No, I am not bilingual and yes Canada is a very multicultural country and can you please not use the word Eskimo"

I just want people who already know me, not people who will have to get to me and vice versa.

Concern #2
I don't even like French boys. Oo la la my ass.

Concern #3
Packing is a bitch. They don't have Walmart in France. I have to take a lot of crap.

Sorry I swore a lot in this post. I just ain't a class gal.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I have no interest in French boys, and I really wish there were Wal-Marts (or Targets! I love Target!) so I didn't have to shove my entire life into two suitcases that they are already charging me to take on the flight. Argh.

    Kate, assistant in Académie de Lille
