Monday, 26 October 2009

Boredom kills


When I get back from London I am going on a major search to not be bored.

I am going to try to take a French class in Anger or Le Mans.

I am also going to try to make some friends. How? I have no idea. If you see a short girl who is creeping you say hi, because it might be me!

There is a really helpful forum for assistants: so I will post sad, lonely messages on it and hope for replies.

I also plan to put up posters advertising private conversational classes in English.

Also, I was talking to a Swedish exchange student and he says that he plays Tennis 3 times a week with the school Phys. Ed teacher, who also happens to be his host family, so maybe I will ask him if I can join. Not that I play tennis. But I can learn!

Any other ideas to alleviate this crushing boredom would be MOST helpful!

Remember that I came from a city of 3 million people to a town of 13, 500. Heeeelp me!

The only thing saving me is that I will see a city soon...oh so close..yet oh so far..


  1. Pick a cafe in town and go to it every single day. My town is the same size as yours, and since I am a regular staple there, people always talk to me!

  2. im so bored i found your site! it made me laugh. i started going to the same bar and there's a cute bartender who talks to me. says things like "va chier" and "reveille-toi!"

    turns out alcohol is a depressant!

  3. oo I really like the cafe idea! I will start doing that. I just wish the cafes had wifi. Maybe I will pretend to write a novel longhand or something.

  4. lol. I'm a fellow assistant who has also stumbled upon your blog. I just want to say that I feel your pain! My town has 9,000 people on a good, generous estimate kind of day and I'm from the suburbs of Detroit and all the life that goes with it. I haven't even seen any cafes in my town. At least, nothing that I would feel comfortable walking into and calling a cafe...
