Tuesday, 6 October 2009

So many reasons to cry

Obviously I missed my 7:13 train and waited at the station for 2 hours until the next one. Upon reaching Nantes, I wanted to die.

I had been up since 6am, and it was 10, so I ordered a "Grand cafe" at Paul's. It was, maybe, 6 ounces. Smaller then a Starbucks short. Did you even know that there was a short? That's right, its so small that its not even on the menu.

Apparently, that is an extra large in France and costs 2 euro 20.

Then I had to take the tram to the place I was supposed to be. The only reason I KNEW where I was supposed to be was because the English teacher had written the location and directions on a piece of paper. Since I had no INTERNET I just had to trust them.

Of course they were wrong.

An hour later in the rain and about to burst into tears I arrived at orientation.

Which was, of course, entirely in French.

Then me and British roommmate had lunch with this American girl.

Me and her American friend, also known as The-Reason-Canadians-Hate-Americans had this conversation:

HIm: So, Victoria is near Toronto, right?
Me: Oh, yea of course, they are beside each other
Him: Oh cool
Me: haha that was a funny impression of an American
Him: What? Huh?
Me: Well you know, pretending that you think Victoria on the West Coast is beside Toronto, which is central.
Him: Oh, so they aren't beside each other?
Me: Wait. You're not joking?
Him: blank stare

That is basically like saying New York is beside San Fransisco.

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