Thursday, 22 October 2009

Drinking with my students

Okay so yesterday one of my favourite classes was canceled, but that turned out not to matter since they were all at the bar that I went to!

All the BST students, which as far as I can gather are vocational students 18+ had some sort of party at a bar last night. My Spanish roommate knew about it so we decided since we were bored as hell we might as well attend. There were probably like 50-75 students.

It was a trivia night so it was really fun. A student would play music and everyone would have to guess what Disney film or series it was from. They also asked questions, none of which I could translate. Fun France Fact: Disney songs are translated into French!

Gosh those French are really protectionist about their culture, eh?

I got to speak a lot of French which I loved since at school almost everyone speaks English to me if they can, or speaks way to fast in French if they can't. But me and the students spoke a melange of French and English and about topics that I would understand so I think it was great practice for me. I need to start making a bigger effort to speaking only in French because that's the only way I will improve.

I think my French is definitely better. Half the students can't understand anything I say in French so I def need to work on my accent, but other then that, if they speak slow with simply vocabulary we can kind of have a conversation!

I'm 3 weeks closer to putting Bilingual on my resume!

A student (a 21 year old semi-cute male) bought me and the English roommate a drink which was nice since I have 73 cents. Another student also gave me a beer from the Giraffe, which is a tall cylinder device, kind of like a mini, pretty, glass keg.

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