Monday, 12 October 2009

Quel Age as tu!?

So said the entirely male class of 19-22 year olds.

Guess my age!
I told them

The first guy said 19, and the rest said 25 or 26. I guess I should start buying La Prarie eye cream...

Um yea...I'm 21.

And the entire class erupted in twitters. "Elle" "Vente Et Un!"

Classes in Lycee-or French high school, are really weird and segregated. I haven't figured out the whole system, but I know that you can choose a stream to go into while still in high school. So I have several classes of ALL girls, which are usually the 'literature' or 'nursing' streams and then I have classes of ALL boys which are usually the 'science' or 'engineering' or, in this case' 'renewable energy' streams. Basically, students can major in high school.

This also means that they can major in vocational studies in high school which I guess requires them to stay until they are 18 or 21 or until they finish..It is kinda like having college combined with high school.

Hence how I ended up standing in front of a class which was full of all boys my age.

Finally...people my age in Sablé!

But there is no way I can command any kind of authority in a class like that, so I made an executive decision and took off my plaid cardigan.

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