Saturday 14 November 2009

Butter Update!

The 16 euro scale I picked up at Carrfeour informs me that I have lost a whole 1.2 lbs since being in France, (on a good day 2 lbs!) so I am going to keep consuming butter. I just toss it in and on everything now! Pasta, croissants, whatever!

I guess the French really do have something going on, since I have been eating whatever I want, including several spoonfuls of Nutella each night (yes, on it's own, I don't buy bread and I accidentally bought a supersize jar of Nutella that I am desperate to get rid of already!).

1 comment:

  1. Boy do i know what you mean about Nutella.... i'm convinced the their secret ingredient is Crack because it's just so damn addicting.... and i've taken a spoonful of just Nutella more times than i'd like to admit... anyway keep posting,I love your blog! :-)
