Thursday 19 November 2009

Errr. Slept in. Again

On Tuesday I slept in. Again.

I only work 4 days a week and I only have to make 8:30 class every other week since I have an alternation schedule. I'm naturally a night person and often go to bed at 2, 3 or 4 which makes waking up at 7:30 really difficult.

So when my alarm went off on Tuesday I kinda just stared at it debating if I should get out of bed.


The teacher probably doesn't even remember that you have this class with her. You haven't been there for 3 weeks because it was an alternative week, then a holiday, then an alternative week. She is going to forget and it isn't even going to be worth it. Just stay in bed. You're tired. She won't even notice.


You always do this! You complain that you don't have enough hours and then you don't even go to the hours that you do have! How will you ever find a job if you can't even get up in the morning. Stop being so g-ddamned lazy!

Needless to say, the Devil won out and I stayed in bed. When I rolled out of it at 11, I checked my phone only to see that I had received this message:

"No class today Danielle. My son is sick. Sorry" From The English Teacher.


1 comment:

  1. omg, danielle, go to Angers!! international students = INTERNATIONAL BOYS. gotheregotheregotheregothere!!!

    i'm writing you back a fb message soon, i got yours about person X and TOTALLY AGREE. i just have to write my hums paper (due tomorrow, ha) first.

    ps. seriously for a second here: i'm surprised i'm saying this but i would honestly move if i were you. you're not supposed to be miserable on your year off... plus you'd meet more people and if, on top of everything, they're international people also there to learn french, odds are you'll speak french together!! so you'll meet people AND improve your language!! win win!
